Risultato della ricerca: purple
Dancing in the sky - Valensole | France www.facebook.com/andreabuonocore.eu twitter.com/abuonocorephoto © Tutti i diritti riservati. L'uso delle mie foto senza permesso scritto è illegale © All rights reserved. Use without permission is illegal. Unauthorized use, copy, editing, reproduction, publication, duplication and distribution of my photos, or any portion of them, is not allowed. If you are interested on my photos ask me via email
Counting colors - Castelluccio di Norcia | Italy
Some clouds, the sun, the sky is blue, a brand new day begins at Isla Mujeres
Zenit Helios 44-2 58mm f/2.0
Davide Solurghi
Visit my site: http://davidesolurghi.wix.com/photography or https://www.facebook.com/davidesolurghiphotography
Broadway, the 5th and the 6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas) illuminated, like the arteries of a giant living being, and shot from the top of the Empire State Building after the sunset, during the blue hour, when the City begins to switch on his lights. The cars draw long trails on the camera film, the gold of the pinnacles shimmers as the sky turns to dark purple.. I can say I\'ve traveled to NY to obtain exactly this photo for my collection.. The picture is composed of 5 long exposition HDR (from till 30secs) printed on a big surface reveals an incredible number of invisible small particulars. The native resolution is 34.1Mp (7148x4764) and can be printed without loosing details up to huge dimensions.
Luce continua + Flash
\"It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it; but as matters stood it was a town of unnatural red and black like the painted face of savage. It was a town of machinery and tall chimneys, out of which interminable serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, and never got uncoiled. It had a black canal in it, and a river that ran purple with ill-smelling dye, and vast piles of building full of windows where there was rattling and trembling all day long, and where the piston of the steam-engine worked monotonously up and down, like the head of an elephant in a state of melancholy madness.\" COKETOWN, \"Hard times\"- C. Dickens
Leep in Purple ???? www.claudiopiccoli.com
262 secondi di puro piacere, una delle luci crepuscolari più belle che abbia mai visto..
3^ Posizione al MythLands Contest 2016 - Uno dei migliori tramonti capitati durante il mio viaggio in Scozia: Io e i miei compagni d'avventura arriviamo con anticipo alla location prevista per il tramonto che, a detta loro, è uno dei posti più interessanti del viaggio. Io non avevo idea di cosa aspettarmi, non ho voluto guardare gli scatti in rete per evitare delle foto-copie e quando supero gli ostacoli visivi naturali, mi si apre questa visione degna delle migliori storie mitologiche. Il cielo, però non prometteva grandi giochi di luce e quindi la tensione era molta. Cercando il punto di ripresa corretto il sole si avvicinava sempre di più all'unico punto dove avrebbe potuto dare spettacolo. Finalmente, ecco il punto esatto. Giusto in tempo. Click...