Risultato della ricerca: crack of down
Sit down and listen the sound of the nature....Now look in the sky and wait the sunset... EXIF ISO 100 F 14 18 mm 140 secondi espo
The shoot of an Iconic photo of the Mesa Arch during the sunrise for my personal portfolio has been a big challenge to me. The photo was in my mind since my departure from Italy. Such day I was worried, nervous, thrilled and deadly late. After an early morning 60km reckless car drive, and a final rush on stones, sand, and plants, running, with my whole gear on my back, I've found the spot completely overcrowded, I had to sit down between two other kind photographers and shoot freehand because there wasn't place for my tripod. Failure wasn't an option. Hope I've got my picture.
"Le Cime di Lavaredo al tramonto, riflesse sul Lago di Antorno"
With a Blue christmas lights image let me wish you all a merry Christmas
- Fisheye on Bryce - Stampe e dettagli qua: http://goo.gl/HCYjZE Assistere ad un alba sul Bryce Canyon è un vero privilegio. Quando il sole comincia a salire illuminando i pinnacoli più sembra che il tempo si fermi; poi, dopo solo qualche secondo l'illusione svanisce, e comincia a guadagnare velocità, illuminando le guglie sempre più velocemente, e là tu sei, stordito e rapito dallo spettacolo che scatti come un matto ogni centimetro di luce e di ombra che si vede, terrorizzato di perdere qualcosa. Ma poi basta fermarsi, prendere fiato, calmarsi un secondo, prendere l'altro corpo, la D800, quella con il fisheye, e fare una foto secca, con tutto l’anfiteatro del Bryce, il sole, i suoi raggi, le nuvole del mattino presto, la luce, gli alberi. Eccolo qua. Assisting to a sunrise at the Bryce Canyon it is a real privilege. When the sun begins to rise sending its rays on the highest pinnacles it seems that the time stops itself. Just after some seconds the illusion vanishes, and it starts to gain speed, illuminating the spires faster and faster, and you are there, stunned, kidnapped by the show, shooting like a crazy at every inch of light or shadow you see, terrified in losing something. But one must just stop, take a deep breath, calm down a second, pick up the other D800 body, the one with the fisheye on, and do a single frame with the whole amphitheater of the Bryce, the sun, its rays, the early morning clouds, the light, the trees. And here it is.
A Max con stima e amicizia...... But I aint going down/ That long old lonesome road/ All by myself.
Roberto Giacomet
Don\'t let the sun go down on me, although I search myself, it\'s always someone else I see, I\'d just allow a fragment of your life to wander free, but losing everything is like the sun going down on me...dedicata al mio Sole, Alessandra
Venezia Anno 1987 : Scanner da negativo Kodacolor 100Asa, Nikon F3 ob.35/f2. Sovrapposizione permessa dalla fotocamera F3 spostando una piccola levetta che ricaricava l’otturatore senza avanzare la pellicola. Quello che la digitale non può fare: scattare in rovesciata. E’ una delle mie preferite in assoluto, non per niente ne ho fatto un poster incorniciato, e, dopo 3 mesi di ricerca tra i vecchi negativi, ho il piacere di postarla per Voi. Leggera PP in WB e contrasto + eliminazione di un po’ di polvere… Ciao da Fabio
una mia alba pescata dall'archivio...
\"It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it; but as matters stood it was a town of unnatural red and black like the painted face of savage. It was a town of machinery and tall chimneys, out of which interminable serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, and never got uncoiled. It had a black canal in it, and a river that ran purple with ill-smelling dye, and vast piles of building full of windows where there was rattling and trembling all day long, and where the piston of the steam-engine worked monotonously up and down, like the head of an elephant in a state of melancholy madness.\" COKETOWN, \"Hard times\"- C. Dickens
view of the peloton descending Cormet de Roseland (France) during the 2021 Criterium du Dauphinè.
Why don't you come to your senses? Come down from your fences, open the gate. It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you. You better let somebody love you, before it's too late. Desperado/Eagles
Roberto Giacomet
< He said \"I\'m the king of sunset town\", Watch a big wheel turning round, Some go up and some go down Some go thirsty some just drown \"That\'s the law round here\", Said the king of sunset town > (the king of sunset town, Marillion) Duomo di Pitigliano