Risultato della ricerca: machu pichu
massimo tommi
dall\'archivio delle foto dei miei viaggi : Machu Picchu, un luogo famoso per le sue origini, di una bellezza incredibile per locazione e architettura. Una della sette meraviglie del mondo moderno, auguro a tutti gli appassionati di storia e di foto come me, un giorno di poterci andare.
“We are concentrated in cities, we develop technologies to control everything, when everything cannot be controlled, we are stressed by everyday life…“ “At a certain point in our life a need arises, ancestral, intimate, to get away for a moment, not to escape but to rediscover the true essence of things, to give value to the essential, to activate the survival instinct, arriving at the deepest part of ourselves, taking a different path and like every other path must start from the beginning. So my journey began.” This is the intro of my first photobook made in Peru. I wanted to tell a journey not only physical but above all spiritual and introspective in one of those most mysterious and magnificent place on our planet: the sacred Valley of the Incas and Machu Picchu. The work was created and designed on a photographic level as a sort of reportage in which aspects of daily life were emphasized, faces, places and breathtaking panoramas. Above all, I have committed myself to capturing unique, perfect and unrepeatable moments.Contact with nature is total: the sensations that I felt along the way are indescribable in words but with the powerful medium that is photography, I tried to convey them to the best of my ability. All of this has had a big impact on me. I felt the need to share these feelings. Find more on: https://jeanven.com/projects/elcamino/
La città segreta degli Inca
“We are concentrated in cities, we develop technologies to control everything, when everything cannot be controlled, we are stressed by everyday life…“ “At a certain point in our life a need arises, ancestral, intimate, to get away for a moment, not to escape but to rediscover the true essence of things, to give value to the essential, to activate the survival instinct, arriving at the deepest part of ourselves, taking a different path and like every other path must start from the beginning. So my journey began.” This is the intro of my first photobook made in Peru. I wanted to tell a journey not only physical but above all spiritual and introspective in one of those most mysterious and magnificent place on our planet: the sacred Valley of the Incas and Machu Picchu. The work was created and designed on a photographic level as a sort of reportage in which aspects of daily life were emphasized, faces, places and breathtaking panoramas. Above all, I have committed myself to capturing unique, perfect and unrepeatable moments.Contact with nature is total: the sensations that I felt along the way are indescribable in words but with the powerful medium that is photography, I tried to convey them to the best of my ability. All of this has had a big impact on me. I felt the need to share these feelings. Find more on: https://jeanven.com/projects/elcamino/
“We are concentrated in cities, we develop technologies to control everything, when everything cannot be controlled, we are stressed by everyday life…“ “At a certain point in our life a need arises, ancestral, intimate, to get away for a moment, not to escape but to rediscover the true essence of things, to give value to the essential, to activate the survival instinct, arriving at the deepest part of ourselves, taking a different path and like every other path must start from the beginning. So my journey began.” This is the intro of my first photobook made in Peru. I wanted to tell a journey not only physical but above all spiritual and introspective in one of those most mysterious and magnificent place on our planet: the sacred Valley of the Incas and Machu Picchu. The work was created and designed on a photographic level as a sort of reportage in which aspects of daily life were emphasized, faces, places and breathtaking panoramas. Above all, I have committed myself to capturing unique, perfect and unrepeatable moments.Contact with nature is total: the sensations that I felt along the way are indescribable in words but with the powerful medium that is photography, I tried to convey them to the best of my ability. All of this has had a big impact on me. I felt the need to share these feelings. Find more on: https://jeanven.com/projects/elcamino/
Alba sul Machu Pichu, Perù
andrea polvicino
“… nel 1911, in Perù, un esimio professore di storia dell’Università di Yale abbandonò le sue ricerche in una valle a nordovest di Cuzco per attraversare l’umida foresta pluviale e raggiungere una montagna che svettava a circa 2400 metri sul livello del mare. Là, oltre il ruggito del fiume Urubamba, trovò un’antica cittadella di pietra; terrazze scolpite, templi e tombe, costruzioni di granito e pareti levigate ricoperte di vegetazione e rampicanti. Hiram Bingham si era imbattuto in Machu Picchu. “Quelli di Machu Picchu potrebbero essere i resti più grandi e importanti scoperti in Sud America dal tempo della conquista spagnola” scrisse nell’edizione 1913 del National Geographic. Ma le sue parole erano fuorvianti. Bingham non aveva “scoperto” Machu Picchu, lo aveva forse portato all’attenzione del mondo occidentale. Le prime notizie dirette su visitatori delle rovine di Machu Picchu indicano, infatti, che Agustín Lizárraga, un proprietario terriero locale giunse sul posto il 14 luglio 1902 alla guida di alcuni conterranei. Un graffito su uno dei muri del Tempio delle Tre Finestre lo prova …”