Risultato della ricerca: blades
I had long dreamed of going to the red blades after a snowfall. Finally the moment has arrived and even if I have not found a completely clear sky I'm still satisfied.
USA ... ... Arizona. Grand Canyon. Hopi Point ... ... and very hot! I think there will be at least 35 ° C. A crowd of tourists scattered on the trails is taking photos in rocks, plants and everything that moves. A myriad of almond eyes with their preposterous tools impress frames with friends, relatives, unleashing smiles to 32 teeth and scarves fluttering in the light breeze ... Horizon, dark clouds seem to portend a storm, something quite common though not frequently. The waters of the Colorado in the valley flow lazy, indifferent, as if waiting ... Now the clouds seem to have started running, perhaps in memory of Appaloosa, which in times of Pinto far they have galloped on these wild territories. The first drops of rain begin to fall and people run for cover in their multicolored tins for fear of wetting their precious smartphone! I try and find shelter in a rock and the safety net that marks the paths. The rain falls abundant. water blades hit the river without scratching it, flashes of bright light illuminate its surface, the dust rises like a veil to hide the rocks made even redder by the rain. Seedlings, until a moment before, seemed on the verge of dying, flourished again as if by magic. It presents an incredible landscape and magnificent! Snap, snap, snap ... Each image that is revealed on the sensor is completely different from the previous one, the Grand Canyon It turns under my eyes. Then, with the speed with which they arrived, the clouds go away and, as swarms of bees, the tourists come back, arms forward, ready to take new pictures, unaware that he had lost the magic moment to turn into an unforgettable memory the usual postcards ...
..Sfreccia la Metro..
Un casale diroccato nella Castelluccio di Norcia, il sole giocava a nascondersi con le nuvole con giochi di luce fantastici.