Giraffes on the manyara lake

  5 anni fa
9.35 Punteggio più alto 12 Settembre 2019
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Photo taken on the Manyara lake in Tanzania with a wide angle. I wanted to highlight the great spaces, enhanced by the dryness of the lake and the small clouds of the sky, in which the giraffes stood out, numerous but solitary, roaming the place . The B & W seemed to me the most suitable solution for the scene.

Dispositivo NIKON D300S
Obiettivo 10.0-20.0 mm f/4.0-5.6
Data 18/03/2011 10:05:01
Lunghezza focale 20 mm
Diaframma f 11
Tempo di posa 1/400 sec
Sensibilità ISO 200
Image Info
Categoria Naturalistica
Album Giraffe

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Giraffes on the manyara lake