Risultato della ricerca: www.mauriziovalentini.it
Nikon D3 with VR 70-200 f 2.8 G Nikkor lens at 120 mm; 1/6 sec at f 22; ISO 200. Gitzo tripod. Fossacesia seacoast, Abruzzo - Italy. In January an impressive storm battered my region, Abruzzo, in central Italy. Gale force winds and huge waves pummeled the coastline. Patrolling the beach I discovered a small cove flood of coloured stones. I was fascinated by the contrast between the foaming waves and the amazing colours of the stones. I laid in the wet sand in front of the waves just as they was breaking onto the beach. The low light level gave an exposure that blurred the movement of the water. Strong winds and heavy rain added atmosphere to the scene and I got the image that I was dreaming.
Nikon D3 + VR 70-200 mm f2.8 G Nikkor Lens at 200 mm. 1/13 sec at f14. ISO 200. -1 EV. Sagittario Valley, Abruzzo - Italy.