Risultato della ricerca: roman holyday
Un dettaglio del Palazzo della Civiltà illuminato di sera a Roma
Un luogo che volevo fotografare da molto tempo, e una ragazza che era li assieme al suo compagno, ne ho approfittato per abbellire ancor di più questa splendida scena...
Carnevale a Castrovillari
Genova, il galeone del film Pirati di Roman Polansky
The Roman Baths, Bath.
The Roman Baths, Bath.
La basilica di San Pietro dal mio punto di vista
Pisa cathedral is a medieval Roman Catholic cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, in the Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa, Italy
©DomenicoGuida_GdPhotoDSC4448_Wedged between the towns of Montecompatri, Monte Porzio, Frascati and Grottaferrata, the area of Tusculum is the historical and cultural heart of the Castelli Romani. Today throughout the overlap archaeological traces of different historical periods, which mark the events of the important Latin City, from its pre-Roman until the destruction in 1191. All Rights Reserved
I really love the city where I live, Verona. In these shots, I tried to capture the best of it. NIKON D5200 18mm / Æ’/10 / 2s / ISO 100
massimo de nino
Aya Sofya. La basilica di Santa Sofia, dove Santa Sofia è da intendersi come la Divina Sapienza, è una basilica, nonché uno dei principali monumenti di Istanbul. Fu una sede patriarcale greco-ortodossa, una cattedrale cattolica, poi una moschea ed è ora un museo. Nota per la sua gigantesca cupola, apice dell\'architettura bizantina, fu terminata nel 537. Hagia Sophia is a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, and now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. From the date of its dedication in 360 until 1453, it served as an Eastern Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931, when it was secularized. It was opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.
Val d'Aosta - Aosta la via consolare romana per le gallie.. da dx: autostrada, strada comunale sterrata, via consolare romana
The Church of St. Louis of the French (Italian: San Luigi dei Francesi, French: Saint Louis des Français, Latin: S. Ludovici Francorum de Urbe) is a Roman Catholic church in Rome, not far from Piazza Navona. The church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, to St. Denis the Areopagite and St. Louis IX, king of France. The church was designed by Giacomo della Porta and built by Domenico Fontana between 1518 and 1589, and completed through the personal intervention of Catherine de' Medici, who donated to it some property in the area. It is the national church in Rome of France.It is a titular church; the current Cardinal-Priest of the Titulus S. Ludovici Francorum de Urbe is André Vingt-Trois. Histoy: When the Saracens burned the Abbey of Farfa in 898, a group of refugees settled in Rome. Monks remained in Rome even after their abbot Ratfredus (934-936) rebuilt the abbey. By the end of the tenth century, the Abbey of Farfa owned in Rome churches, houses, windmills and vineyards. A bull of Holy Roman Emperor Otto III in 998 confirms the property of three churches:[5] Santa Maria, San Benedetto and the oratorio of San Salvatore. When they ceded their property to the Medici family in 1480, the church of Santa Maria became the church of Saint Louis of the French. Cardinal Giulio di Giuliano de' Medici commissioned Jean de Chenevière to build a church for the French community in 1518.[6] Building was halted when Rome was sacked in 1527, the church was finally completed in 1589 by Domenico Fontana. The interior was restored by Antoine Dérizet between 1749 and 1756. The foundation Pieux Etablissements de la France à Rome et à Lorette is responsible for the five French churches in Rome and apartment buildings in Rome and in Loreto. The foundation is governed by an "administrative deputy" named by the French ambassador to the Holy See. Exterior Giacomo della Porta made the façade as a piece of decorative work entirely independent of the body of the structure, a method much copied later. The French character is evident from the façade itself, which has several statues recalling national history: these include Charlemagne, St. Louis, St. Clothilde and St. Jeanne of Valois. The interior also has frescoes by Charles-Joseph Natoire recounting stories of Saint Louis IX, Saint Denis and Clovis. Interior Domenichino painted here one of his masterworks, the frescoes portraying the Histories of Saint Cecilia. Other artists who worked in the decoration of San Luigi dei Francesi include Cavalier D'Arpino, Francesco Bassano il Giovane, Muziano, Giovanni Baglione, Siciolante da Sermoneta, Jacopino del Conte, Tibaldi and Antoine Derizet. The church's most famous item is, however, the cycle of paintings in the Contarelli Chapel, painted by the Baroque master Caravaggio in 1599-1600 about the life of St. Matthew. This include the three world-renowned canvases of The Calling of St Matthew, The Inspiration of Saint Matthew, The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew Burials The church was chosen as the burial place for the higher prelates and members of the French community of Rome: these include the tomb of Pauline de Beaumont, who died of consumption in Rome in 1805, erected by her lover Chateaubriand, the classic liberal economist Frédéric Bastiat, Cardinal François-Joachim de Pierre de Bernis, ambassador in Rome for Louis XV and Louis XVI, and Henri Cleutin the French lieutenant in 16th-century Scotland. San Luigi dei Francesi Building Adjacent to the church is the late-Baroque San Luigi dei Francesi Building. It was built in 1709-1716 as a place to stay for the French religious community and pilgrims without resources". Its porch has a bust of Christ whose face is traditionally identified as Cesare Borgia's. The interior houses a gallery with portraits of the French kings and a notable Music Hall.
Model: Viorica Roman MUA: Ross Mua