Risultato della ricerca: earthquake
A magnificent winter night, spent in a place dear to me, a place where I started my photographic journey. After the great wound, which unfortunately suffered because of an earthquake that destroyed the village that forced the isolation of this, realize the first night of 2018 in this place was a wonderful emotion. Come on castelluccio back to shine
Ragusa Ibla (in siciliano Iusu, ovvero \"che giace sotto\"), oggi quartiere della città di Ragusa, è il fulcro da cui la città di Ragusa si è sviluppata. È situato nella parte orientale della città, sopra una collina che va dai 385 ai 440 m s.l.m.. Dopo il terremoto del 1693, il quartiere fu ricostruito attuando cantieri che produssero opere, edifici e monumenti di gusto tardo barocco. Ragusa Ibla (Sicilian: Iusu, or \"lying down\"), today district of the city of Ragusa, is the hub from which the city of Ragusa developed. It is located in the eastern part of the city, on a hill that goes from 385 to 440 m above sea level. After the earthquake of 1693, the neighborhood was rebuilt by implementing shipyards that produced works, buildings and monuments of late Baroque style.
I bambini perduti del Nepal. The earthquake has left thousands of orphans, The government tries to avoid as much as possible to send the children to orphanages and so entrusts them to the closest relatives, and it is they who often sell them for a few dollars. Human trafficking, trafficking in girls and children remains a major challenge for the country. Every day girls and children are sold, bought, reduced to sexual slavery, forced into prostitution, to perform forced labor and trafficking in organs. The numbers are appalling: according to Unicef estimates, 15,000 children are sold every year. The number of NGOs in Kathmandu is 25,000. Most are condemned to sexual exploitation in India, but not only. The Gulf countries are the main "buyers" of Nepalese girls under the age of 14. And today the already dramatic situation is even worse after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated the country on 25 April 2015, left 9000 dead, pulverized 700,000 buildings and reduced three million to despair. Currently around 200,000 Nepalese girls are forcibly employed as prostitutes in India.
a place very dear to me, the plain of Castelluccio di Norcia. Very expensive because it is probably the place that marked my "journey" towards landscape photography. A place famous for its flowering of lentil that with its flowers colors all this plain .. but .. for me Castelluccio has a special charm during the winter season when the snow floods anything and creates a magical atmosphere. Unfortunately, after the earthquake, I have not been able to go back but it is a matter of time now. Forza Castelluccio continues to shine!
Carmo Church of the Carmelite Order, the main Gothic Church of Lisbon, which, in 1755, the earthquake had destroyed the roof and that, since then, has remained roofless showing the sky on himself 'and donating a special charm?
Reportage Earthquake "Red Zone" lL 30 ottobre alle 07:40 si è verificata una scossa di magnitudo 6,5,[27] percepita in gran parte della penisola italiana, in Austria (nella regione di Salisburgo e in Carinzia) e sulle coste Balcaniche risultando la più forte scossa di terremoto in Italia dal sisma dell'Irpinia del 1980.[28] Il sisma si è originato a 10 chilometri di profondità con epicentro tra i paesi di Norcia, Preci e Castelsantangelo sul Nera. Si sono registrati diversi crolli ma nessuna vittima. Dopo questo si sono verificate scosse di assestamento comprese tra magnitudo 3,5 e 4,8. A Norcia sono crollate la basilica di San Benedetto e la concattedrale di Santa Maria Argentea ed è stata quasi completamente distrutta la frazione di Castelluccio di Norcia con circa il 60% delle case crollate. Il sisma ha provocato uno spostamento di due lobi: uno verso est di 40 cm nell'area di Montegallo e l'altro verso ovest di 30 cm nella zona di Norcia. Fonte Wikipedia....
a 40 anni dal terremoto del Friuli, timpano del Duomo di Gemona.
Venzone (UD), Italy • July 2017 • Nikon D7100 • Venzone, a small comune (municipality) in the Province of Udine in the Italian region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, was almost entirely destroyed by the 1976 Friuli earthquake, killing 47 inhabitants. Clearing-up operations started immediately and, by resolution of a citizens committee, the historic town centre was rebuilt in its original style from numerous pieces of rubble in the next years. The reconstruction was finished in 1990, with the cathedral church (Duomo).
Among the largest works of land art in the world, Alberto Burri\'s \"Cretto\" is an extensive shroud of concrete on the track of Old Gibellina disappeared in the devastating earthquake of 1968 in the Belìce River Valley, Western Sicily, Italy.
Children collect coins or valuables with magnets, from corpses washed in the sacred bagmati river. The earthquake has left thousands of orphans, The government tries to avoid as much as possible to send the children to orphanages and so entrusts them to the closest relatives, and it is they who often sell them for a few dollars. Human trafficking, trafficking in girls and children remains a major challenge for the country. Every day girls and children are sold, bought, reduced to sexual slavery, forced into prostitution, to perform forced labor and trafficking in organs. The numbers are appalling: according to Unicef estimates, 15,000 children are sold every year. The number of NGOs in Kathmandu is 25,000.
Alice 80
In un giardino incolto di una casa ormai abbandonata dopo il terremoto sono cresciuti questi fiori. I fiori sono il simbolo, della speranza di una città che spera in futuro di essere ricostruita.