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Forse Una Possibile Soluzione Al "backfocus" C'è!
, "Backfocus" Nikon D70
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Messaggio: #1
Vi riposto un thread trovato su dpreview, forse può risultare utile...

non me lo fate tradurre vi prego....



Dear friends,

As a new D70 user I was very concerned about the back focus issue so commented on this forum. Today I took almost 300 pictures of my daughter's birthday party, 80% of them with a Quantaray 70-300mmm and 20% (cake and happy birthday cheers) with the kit lens.

Well, after download the photos to my G4 1.25 I saw that almost all my photos with the Nikon kit lens were a little "out of focus" but my photos with the 70-300mm were very good.

So I decide to make some tests with rules and objects, but sometimes I had good result other times not 100% accurate focus.

Almost given up I start to take a closer look on the photos on Photoshop CS browser, paying attention on the data of my photos. Suddenly I could note that although my camera image enhancements was adjusted to Normal, a lot of photos had “soft” contrast, exactly the ones I didn’t like. Going to the camera menu - optimize image – instead of choose N – Normal, I choose C – Custom and set Tone, Sharpening and Saturation to 0.

Wow, all my tests now are 100% in focus. Actually without a “soft” contrast automatically set by the camera, what was leading me to judge the photo slight “out of focus”

Please understand that I’m not saying that does not exists a back focus issue – I’m saying that IN MY CASE, although the camera was set to Normal, it was making changes on my pictures, on sharpness and contrast, random.

And as I’m totally new with this camera I thought once the setting was Normal, there should be no changes on the photo settings, as if all settings was in”0”.

Well this are my 2 cents, maybe help someone without to much knowledge on the D70 as me, to not be fooled by this issue

Best regards,

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