Risultato della ricerca: contemporary
Nikon D7200, obiettivo sigma contemporary 150-600
Nikon D5300 - Sigma 150-500 Contemporary - Focale=500 mm; ISO 300; f=8, t=1/500 s; Mano libera
Nikon Z7, obiettivo sigma contemporary 150-600
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid.
Ho utilizzato D7100 con Sigma Contemporary 17-70
Buona Pasqua a tutti con un airone bianco in volo libero. Dati di scatto: Nikon D5300 Sigma 150-600 Contemporary F/8 - 1/2000 s - ISO=125 - Mano libera
2016/01/10 The New York Times : Places to Go in 2016 Turin Italy Renewal in a former industrial capital. A reopened Egyptian Museum isn’t the only draw in Turin, where projects like the warehouse district Docks Dora, home to galleries, ateliers and underground clubs; the street art initiative Arte in Barriera; and Lavazza’s new headquarters in Aurora near Porta Palazzo, Europe’s largest open-air market, are softening an industrial face. Fresh exhibition spaces and museums (CAMERA – Italian Center for Photography and Museo Ettore Fico) complement Contemporary Art Week, comprising Artissima, Paratissima and Luci d’Artista. The concurrent Club to Club is one of many music festivals (Torino Jazz, Kappa Futur, TODAYS, Movement Torino). The city, which is home to Slow Food’s annual Salone del Gusto, is also a jumping-off point for the Unesco world heritage-designated wine regions Langhe-Roero and Monferrato.
The Floating Piers è l'opera dell' artista Christo nel Lago d'Iseo The floating piers è il nome dell'ambiziosa installazione temporanea che l'artista Christo ha realizzato nell'estate del 2016 sul Lago d'Iseo. Si tratta di una passerella galleggiante della lunghezza di oltre 4 km composta da elementi combinati tra loro come le tessere di un puzzle e fasciati da una copertura di tessuto giallo-arancio. La passatoia, larga 16 metri e alta circa 50 centimetri nella parte centrale, digrada ai lati fino a pelo d'acqua. Tutti gli allestimenti più imponenti di Christo richiamano un pubblico internazionale e The floating piers non farà eccezione; la passerella gode di un valore aggiunto rispetto alle più comuni installazioni di land art: il ponte sul Sebino sarà un'opera da ammirare e immortalare, ma anche da vivere e condividere, potendo essere attraversata provando l'emozione di "camminare" sulle acque del lago. Il piano della sicurezza al vaglio del prefetto prevede oltre 200 addetti per garantire l'incolumità dei visitatori attesi ogni giorno sulla passerella, che al termine della kermesse sarà smontata e interamente riciclata nel rispetto dell'equilibrio arte - cultura - natura che ispira molti artisti contemporanei. La passerella congiungerà Sulzano alla costa di Monte Isola in territorio di Peschiera Maraglio, abbraccerà il tratto sud del litorale risalendo fino all'abitato di Sensole e fenderà nuovamente i flutti lacustri fino a circumnavigare la piccola Isola di San Paolo, patrimonio della famiglia Beretta proprietaria dell'omonima Fabbrica d'Armi. L'opera The Floating Piers è concepita da Christo e Jeanne-Claude nel 1970, decisi a realizzare una banchina sospesa a pelo d'acqua. La prima location selezionata è in Argentina, sul Río de la Plata, ma la coppia non ottiene i permessi necessari. Venticinque anni dopo anche il Giappone nega l'autorizzazione per l'installazione della passerella a Tokyo. Nel 2014 Christo riconosce il Lago d'Iseo come l'ambientazione più suggestiva per realizzare la sua visione. I 90.000 metri quadrati di tessuto tecnico dalla caratteristica tinta arancione cangiante necessario per il rivestimento completo della banchina galleggiante. The floating piers is the name of the ambitious temporary installation that the artist Christo has created in the summer of 2016 on Lake Iseo. It is a floating walkway of the length of over 4 km composed of elements combined with each other like the pieces of a puzzle and wrapped by a covering of yellow-orange fabric. The runner, wide 16 meters high and about 50 cm in the middle, sloping the sides up to the water. All the most impressive productions of Christo attract an international audience and The floating piers will be no exception; the boardwalk has an added value compared to the most common installations of land art: the bridge over the Sebino will work to admire and capture, but also to live and share, being able to be crossed by trying the emotion of "walking" on the waters of lake. The security plan being considered by the prefect provides over 200 employees to ensure the safety of visitors expected each day on the catwalk, which at the end of the festival will be completely dismantled and recycled in compliance with the art of balance - culture - nature that inspires many contemporary artists . The walkway will connect the coast of Monte Isola Sulzano in Peschiera Maraglio territory, spanning the southern stretch of coastline going up to the village of Sensole and cleave the waves lake back up to circle the small island of San Paolo, the owner of the heritage of the family Beretta 'namesake Arms Factory. The opera The Floating Piers is conceived by Christo and Jeanne-Claude in 1970, determined to create a wharf suspended on the water. The first location is selected in Argentina, the Río de la Plata, but the couple does not get the necessary permits. Twenty-five years later also Japan denies permission for the installation of the catwalk in Tokyo. In 2014 Christo recognizes Lake Iseo as the most evocative setting to realize his vision. The 90,000 square meters of technical fabric from the iridescent orange tint characteristic necessary for the complete coating of the floating dock.
Modern buildings known as Barcode Project under construction in the center of Oslo at the sunset
We live in a complex period, a historical phase in which the crisis brings us to a radical change in our lifestyles and in which job insecurity takes away the trust, even more than hope, in the future. Our sense of community is lost and almost absent, to the social disintegration we are experiencing: people tend to isolate more and more. The photograph was made in the Certosa Reale in Collegno, which until 1993 was still the seat of the Psychiatric Hospital of Turin (Italy). This place evokes the collective concept of marginalization. Marginalization forced that, with different forms and contexts, continues to manifest itself in the present, without the need for bars on the windows or walls that impede access to the outside world. And it is from this consideration that opens a debate on the causes and effects of marginalization, even when it is not \"chronic\" or formally imposed, but is the result of society and contemporary dynamics.
Sassi di Matera, love is in the air. Falco naumanni, maggio 2022 Nikon Z7 + Gigma Contemporary 150-600 a 600 mm
Fulton Center Station NYC